Friday, August 04, 2006

July 21, 2006- Slow Food Night #1
On the Menu
SALAD, by Jen--Ingredients: Lettuce and green onions from my sister's garden, organic tomatoes, carmelized walnuts (Paul showed me how to carmelize them) and a sprinkle of huckleberries.

(This photo is my niece pulling up an onion.)

For the salad dressing, I used raw maple syrup mixed with Mayo. I forgot the vinegar, but Toni suggested a squeeze of fresh lemon would add some zest to the sweetness of the syrup.

The Huckleberries came from Libery Heights Fresh-
If only it had been Huckleberry season, I would have picked them fresh. Whenever I taste huckleberries, it reminds me of my childhood in Idaho. We usually went out every year with old Schwann man icecream buckets into the woods and plucked the sweet purple berries from the bushes. We were like the bears, loved to pick and eat, pick and eat, filling us with purple and leaving our hands and lips purple. My sister usually came back with the fullest bucket. I came home with only half a bucket- the other half being in my belly. We would freeze the berries and my Dad would make homemade huckleberry icecream.

I stopped at a local Italian shop, Tony Caputos, for some fresh pasta and visited my Aunt Marilyn's down the road to pick some herbs from her obliging garden. Toni was going to make the spaghetti sauce and I thought adding some fresh olives would be a nice touch. So I sampled about 10 different olives at Caputos and decided on a sweet variety that grows in Southern Italy- "around the tip of the heel," said the guy at the counter.

Toni was in charge of the spaghetti, but we all ended up helping cook. It had fresh herbs, garden tomatoes, Walla Walla sweet onions, sugar, olive oil, butter, garlic and organic beef. (See Toni's post for more details) And it was delicious.

I also made carrot apple juice.

A friend from Montana, Heidi Burnett, made fresh carrot apple juice for me while I was a student at Utah State. I remember how surprisingly sweet it was. I used fresh ginger and a variety of apple, fuji, Red D, Golden D. (See picture)

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